Why Flower Essences? Part II

In Why Flower Essences? I presented an overview of this form of Plant Medicine and now, I’d like to dive more deeply into the energetics.

Flower Essences stabilize our systems on the “etheric” levels – or the emotional and energetic levels (everything is energy, after all). Once stabilized, we’re able to finally see and deal with those things that have been taking up space and dictating our lives. 

All of these stories (or “wounds” as I call them) dictate our realities – we literally live from this place and all of our beliefs, actions, decisions, reactions, etc. stem from this wound.  After time, this takes its toll on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.  In addition, whether we readily admit it or not, we’ve created our entire lives around these wounds.

Living from the wound affects our physiology.  When you’re “tense” or “stressed” you may experience a tension headache, stiffness in the shoulders or knots because we carry ourselves differently in this state.

Living From the Wound

The wound creates a subconscious level of stress and we feel some level of threat when we’re attacking ourselves, thus creating a change in our physiology and body chemistry.  Stress is created through living out of the wound because we are unable to adapt to our environment, our bodies are playing catch up with their usual daily duties to compensate for all the extra stress hormones being pumped through our system. 

When the physiology is affected, physical dysfunction manifests from the simple ache, to overtime and with excess burden, bigger, more life altering/impacting dis-ease.  The ability to optimally digest foods and thus derive all the nutrients needed to propel proper biochemical function for everything from nail growth to hormone production and more.  The cycle is truly vicious.

Stress + Nervous System Dysfunction

Stress can be in the form of many, many things and it’s all the same to the body and wears on it tremendously.  However, our ability to adapt to and manage life’s stressors is made even more difficult when we hold onto beliefs, habits, etc. that perpetuate the behaviors that stress us out in the first place. Whether it’s our inability to adopt a more health supportive diet, or its maintaining a positive outlook and spiritual practice, or its having a friendly inner dialogue rather than one that is just plain cruel, these things insidiously wear our bodies down and then voila, disease manifests.

Rather than us seeking the fix through pills, herbs, supplements, etc. we MUST bravely address the root cause of our internal landscape that contributed to the dysfunction in the first place. 

THIS is where energy healing, such as flower essences come into play. 

Patterns and Characteristics

Typically speaking, people with certain physical conditions usually have the same energetic/emotional/mental characteristics.  So, someone with adrenal fatigue, for example, is usually a type A, leader, has difficulty slowing down, having fun, and nurturing themselves, is on high alert, has a scarcity mentality, is in “fight or flight”/survival mode more than in chill mode, is running from something, etc.

So, long story short, until the conditions within on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels are addressed and shifted, the physical body will continually be in a state of trying to heal itself while playing catch up with its regular, daily duties. 

Energy Healing modalities like Flower Essences help us to get to the root, process it, clear it out, shift our vibration and energy, and create a more hospitable home for our spirit/soul/essence/whatever word you choose to embody.  When we’re ungrounded, fearful, running old patterns or beliefs, holding onto unprocessed emotions in our bodies, etc. our spirit doesn’t feel safe, so we’re half in, so to speak, and not fully animating our vessels making them less “vital” and more likely to breakdown.

The vibrations/energy of our imprints create the compulsion to act in such a way that creates dis-ease.  The essences of the plant come into stabilize our system and wounds so the toxicity can be removed through shifting old beliefs and emotional attachments.

Soul enters at the root and builds from there as we go through the various stages of life.  This is seen through the charka system, as well on InnerSpark’s Wheel of The Mother. Initial difficulty/trauma gets lodged in body, becomes wound, becomes the lens through which we operate and a habitual pattern, stagnant energy ensues, chronic pattern becomes our body armor, manifests as self fulfilling prophecy all around us in our life.  Traumas at various ages and stages can end up depleting some systems, creating excess/over-compensatory energy in others, and yield general imbalance that will manifest on the physical level.

Seeing ourselves as a holistic beings, addressing chronic dis-ease with an integrative approach, supporting our energy and nervous systems and digestion are crucial steps towards optimal living and thriving!

The InnerSpark Method

Timeless Wisdom to become Naturally Resilient

Transform life's storms and cultivate peace, resilience, and vitality with Nature's wisdom.

Dive deep into nature’s rhythms, unraveling from the complexities and strains of modern life, and align yourself with the ebb and flow that has sustained life for millennia.

Drawing from nature, our eternal mentor, we glean lessons of steadfastness, flow, and unity.

But as the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.

The InnerSpark Method bridges that gap, guiding you back to your innate resilience and rhythm, reigniting your zest for life and sense of purpose.

Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being -  whether it's the physicality of daily routines, the depths of emotional resilience, the realms of mental clarity, the vibrations of energy, the art of relationships, or the ethereal world of spirituality.

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Sweet Soul, it’s time to heal Feminine Shame and tap back into what’s natural, real, wild, and magical.

The Uprooting Feminine Shame Podcast by Devon Ray Battaglia is for deep-feeling, overthinking womxn ready to identify the roots of their people-pleasing, burnout, and anxiety so they can discover their true, shame-free nature and confidently thrive in body, mind, and spirit. Listen in to explore truly integrative, holistic ways of living more naturally aligned with your unique needs – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.

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Greetings! I’m Devon Ray Battaglia, MS, AHA, ACC. As an Integrative Health Expert, Ayurvedic Health Advisor, and Holistic Life Coach, I’ve devoted myself to living and sharing the timeless wisdom of Nature’s rhythms to unlock our natural resilience and joy!

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